Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marty Friedman Plays Football..

Hi everyone..now, most of us must be enjoyed watching and following the World Cup 2010 right..here i want to share with you song i been put in inside my Creative Muvo mp3 player recently..FYI i cant sleep without music..so mp3 player is the only solution..

1. Prequel to the sequel (Between the buried and Me)- nice composition and guitar works from the guitarists..i love the harmony in the intro solo.
2. The fire and the Fury (Firewind)- perfect shredding in the intro and delicious melodic solo in the end.
3. Forced March (Earth Crisis)- a blasting hardcore song that reminds me of what really happenned in the Middle East now (Israel invasion to Plaestine).
4. Kaeritakkunattayo (Marty Friedman)- cool cover song from guitar god, Mr Friedman. Marty plays his way and sounds like this song is belong to him!! Original artist is Ikimano Gakari.
5. Tobaber (Neil Zaza)- perfect melodic instrumental song..if you ever listened to a song called 'jauh kau pergi', the melody is almost similar. listen to 'jauh kau pergi' and you'll know what im talking about :)
6. Psychosocial (Slipknot)- double bass drum, dropped tuning guitar, breakdown and attitude vocals, u name it....RIP Paul Gray..

Sorry because no entry about Marty Friedman plays football hehehe..


  1. jarang jua berupdate blog ani... kekekeke sibuk main gitar ka bos?

  2. teda la..keja ni liau..plg2 dapat online 5-10 minit jak ni..main gitar pun teda..nda campin lagi, tgu bro jairo ajar la hehehe
